“When your home doesn’t feel like a home anymore,you have no choice but to leave.”

Chronos, a once exceptionally beautiful planet turned into a waste zone, solely because of its inhabitants’ negligence. Consequently, Chronozians are forced to leave their beloved planet. Angler, Borg and Chara, three finest Chronozians are chosen to begin their journey across the galaxy, riding Pyxis, to find their new home.

A thrilling and an unexpected journey brought them to Earth, specifically, to Wambui City where Azora, Chee-chee and Mimi happen to find them.

Wambui City is a unique place where you can enjoy nature at its best. However, a group of Business Women plans to turn Wambui into an industrial area. This brings danger and possible destruction to the beautiful Wambui.

Azora told her new friends about Wambui, a unique place where you can find everything that you ever need, is at an alarming state. Unfortunately, no one cares, and Azora feels like she is on her own.

Will Azora and her new friends managed to protect Wambui City’s beautiful nature?

Let’s follow their journey as they learn to help one another, teamwork, and most of all, to take good care of their home.

Who would have thought, someone that looks so different from you, could be the one that understands you the most.

Lead Choreographers:

  • Irina Putri Sudarsono & Joan Dorothea

Lead Casts:

  • Angler: Klara Cintya N. Prameswari
  • Borg: Mulyazahra Nuralam
  • Chara: Andisa Leota A. T. Kaunang
  • Azora:Aurel Larasati
  • Chee-chee: Kyana Hasya Imara
  • Mimi: Gisela Karina Emaputri